A 'Happy Future' for Viridium and its new owners including BlackRock?
20 March 2025Cinven is selling out of German life consolidator to insurers and manager, in €3.5bn deal
German lifers' ratings unaffected by TMTP recalculations, Fitch says
08 November 2024But warns declining bond yields could put some life insurers' capital under pressure again
BaFin warns of concerning early-year lapse rates in some savings products
28 August 2024German regulator notes how front-loading of policy costs can hit policyholders leaving early
A Lasting legacy - How Medvida is still helping Spanish lifers shed unwanted backbooks
26 June 2024Life consolidation and backbook deals may have hit hurdles in Germany, but in Spain Antonio Trueba, CEO of consolidator Medvida Partners paints a different picture
AXA Leben investment income slumps 43% after transfer to AGER Leben
03 June 2024AXA Leben pinpoints Deutsche Beamten Versicherung Leben as backbook spun off
Comment: Back, by popular demand! SFCR analysis season returns on IAR
20 May 2024Solvency II for reports for solos and groups for 2023 are now under IAR's microscope
German general account ends 2023 agonisingly close to €2trn, BaFin finds
16 May 2024BaFin reveals "significant write-downs" on insurers' private and commercial property credit investments
'Silent run-off' occurring in German life market, says Moody's
16 May 2024Backbook life deals denied and abandoned, have stolen the limelight recently
Comment - Is BaFin's argument against capital cuts for green activities, sustainable?
15 May 2024Mark Branson told the media this week: "No compromises when it comes to calibrating our regulations"
BaFin president warns against lower capital requirements for sustainability
15 May 2024Mark Branson also acknowledges BaFin's recent slap-on-the-wrist from EIOPA