
  • Appointment round-up

    07 December 2018

    Legal & General and Axa announce real asset hires

  • Axa IMRA sells Munich office block

    07 December 2018

    German pension fund managed by Quantum acquires building on on St. Martin Straße, at the intersection with Balanstraße

  • European oil & gas companies spend just 1.3% of capex on low carbon assets

    12 November 2018

    Despite investors, including some insurance household names, calling for transition to a low-carbon economy

  • Axa IMRA acquires US investment team

    07 November 2018

    And assumes the management of $9.4bn of US mortgage loans

  • Tensions flare between Exxon and its shareholders over climate disclosures

    01 November 2018

    A decade of shareholder engagement at Exxon seem to have gone down the drain as the company now faces a lawsuit for misleading investors. While insurers were quick to broadcast their role in exercising shareholder powers, they are now found coy to comment. Adam Leach reports

  • AXA IM invests €161m in Irish property

    30 October 2018

    Joint venture with Kennedy Wilson acquires 274 units near Dublin

  • European asset management mandates revealed by Insurance Risk Data

    18 October 2018

    Greater transparency among EEA underwriters offer a unique glimpse into what and to whom insurers outsource their asset portfolio to, the only missing piece is the how much. David Walker reports

  • Axa IMRA acquires Luxembourg office building

    18 October 2018

    Luxembourg office market is characterised by low vacancy levels trending downwards and a lack of existing good quality office space

  • Investor group takes pension funds to task on climate change

    17 October 2018

    IIGCC, reminds 12 UK pension funds of their duties in assessing financial risks from climate change

  • Aviva gets real on illiquid assets

    16 October 2018

    Five months into Aviva Investors’ strategy to merge its real assets teams under one leadership, Mark Versey and Iain Forrester discuss the new strategy and how it fits with the firm’s approach to servicing third-party insurers. By Vincent Huck