
  • End of the road for ground rents?

    03 August 2017

    Ground rents were talked up as a great diversifier for insurers, with stable and very long term cashflows, but the UK government's consultation paper and media scrutiny in the past week may be a death knell for the asset class. Asa Gibson reports

  • Broad inflows boost Aviva's investment business

    03 August 2017

    Insurer's fund operating profit rises 45% with increased inflows across fund types

  • Insurer-owned UK asset managers grow AuM faster than rivals

    29 June 2017

    Moody's survey reveals UK asset managers grew AuM during 2015 and 2016, but fee pressure dampens revenue growth

  • Bund yields vulnerable as QE draws to a close

    19 April 2017

    The end of the ECB's €2trn QE programme will lead to a rebalancing of the European fixed income market, with the repricing of German debt likely to be significant

  • Climate risk: how insurers are failing to join the dots on the investment side

    12 April 2017

    The quantification of climate-related risks is strategically important for insurers in terms of underwriting and investing performance, but the industry is accused of not leveraging its underwriting expertise to benefit its asset allocation strategy. Environmental Finance's Peter Cripps reports

  • Aviva Investors bolsters infrastructure team

    05 April 2017

    Darryl Murphy and Sarah Wall bring a combined 39 years of industry knowledge

  • Allianz and Aviva's asset managers on sustainable infrastructure work stream

    27 February 2017

    UN-backed initiative seeks to engage infrastructure investors with ESG principles

  • Hot property: ground rents

    15 February 2017

    Ground rents offer insurers a way to diversify their real asset portfolios, with a low risk profile and relatively attractive yields. But market access and Solvency II treatment are significant barriers. Asa Gibson reports.

  • Aviva Investors launches alternative income fund to tackle low rates

    14 February 2017

    Alternative assets provide "high-quality" cash flows with lower defaults, firm says

  • US equities attractive ahead of corporate tax reforms

    10 February 2017

    Trump's plans to cut rate to 15% could have profound effect on stocks, says Aviva Investor's Giles Parkinson