
  • Aviva offloads over £1bn bonds and shares in tobacco firms

    21 June 2017

    Joins Scor and Axa's drive to limit investment, citing threat to public health

  • Insurers are bystanders on climate change risk management

    19 June 2017

    Majority of the industry falls short on managing climate change risks in investment portfolios, but Axa and Aviva deemed leaders by AODP report

  • LGIM's Brexit plan involves shift to Ireland

    26 May 2017

    Standard Life likely to choose Dublin too

  • UK insurers' reliance on transitionals concerns analysts

    24 May 2017

    Dependence on LTG package and transitional measures laid bare by SFCRs; Prudential's investment risk capital requirement higher than peers

  • 'Insurers need to move from climate talk to climate action'

    05 May 2017

    Axa and Vivat's investment arms recently announced coal exclusion policies, while Axa also committed to stop underwriting coal projects – could this be a model for the rest of the industry? Peter Bosshard from anti-fossil fuel NGO the Sunrise Project comments.

  • Transition to alternatives helps cut UK annuity pricing

    26 April 2017

    Insurers no longer reliant on corporate bond spreads

  • Indonesia set to curb foreign insurers' investments in local industry

    21 April 2017

    Allianz, Aviva and Fairfax among investors that must keep shareholdings below 80%

  • Bund yields vulnerable as QE draws to a close

    19 April 2017

    The end of the ECB's €2trn QE programme will lead to a rebalancing of the European fixed income market, with the repricing of German debt likely to be significant

  • Climate risk: how insurers are failing to join the dots on the investment side

    12 April 2017

    The quantification of climate-related risks is strategically important for insurers in terms of underwriting and investing performance, but the industry is accused of not leveraging its underwriting expertise to benefit its asset allocation strategy. Environmental Finance's Peter Cripps reports

  • PIC buys into equity release mortgage market

    06 April 2017

    Funding agreement with Retirement Advantage will help diversify the insurer's illiquid portfolio