
  • Chart of the Week - Europe's Largest Insurers

    10 June 2022

    General accounts fell while unit-linked assets rose, at Europe's largest groups in 2021

  • Comment - So, make your mind up, are you an insurer, or an investor?

    03 June 2022

    Europe's insurers are now 79% investors, according to Solvency II data at least

  • Aviva remains the UK's most complex insurer despite Blanc's drive for simplification

    30 May 2022

    More than 450 funds sit within group's SFCR reporting scope

  • Lifers could be hit hardest by climate change, Bank of England stress tests find

    24 May 2022

    Bank of England climate stress test finds insurers could see a 15% asset value drop without action on climate change

  • Expect breaches of solvency in Bank of England climate stress tests, Fitch warns

    24 May 2022

    Matching adjustment users risk ratio reductions if property for ERMs devalues

  • "Much work" still to do on UK Solvency II reform, warns Amanda Blanc

    18 May 2022

    Aviva says "material issues" remain in improving MA

  • The tumultuous energy transition

    16 May 2022

    Moving from fossil fuels to renewable energy is a transition filled with tumult as investors are mired in questions of renewable capabilities and 'just transitions', the audience at Insurance Asset Risk Real Asset 2022 conference hears. Abbie Wood reports

  • Winds of war prove further tailwinds for Generali Global Infrastructure

    09 May 2022

    The task Generali set itself to help 'rebuild Europe' after COVID-19, focused mainly on infrastructure, has arguably taken on extra importance - and opportunity - David Walker discovers

  • A match, a spark! - the MA ignites UK lifers' investment appetites

    02 May 2022

    The MA has given UK lifers about £400bn of capital benefit since 2016 - and more fruitful use of it to invest in the real economy could yet come, if HM Treasury's proposals are enacted. David Walker investigates

  • Chart of the Week - UK lifers' MA benefit revealed

    29 April 2022

    EIOPA's MA is a £400bn capital gift to UK life insurers