
  • Aviva Investors takes 35% stake in renewable energy developer

    31 July 2023
  • LGIM commits to "dynamic" environmental voting policy

    26 July 2023

    After explaining why it rejected forcing Shell to make 2030 scope 3 emissions targets Paris-compliant

  • Practising good liquidity management - for the day liquidity turns bad

    24 July 2023

    Reflecting on the aftermath of the liquidity crisis after the UK's mini budget crisis last autumn, panellists discussed what makes for good liquidity management and where the next crisis will come from. Compiled by Vincent Huck

  • Aviva signs £120m buy-in with NTL 1999 Pension Scheme

    21 July 2023
  • Chart of the Week - SFCRs as EIOPA's answer to the 'Barbenheimer dilemma'

    21 July 2023

    SFCRs will tell you if market crashes hurt insurers' solvency more than pandemics - but not whether to watch Robert Oppenheimer or Margot Robbie...

  • Cash has regenerated as an asset class, Aviva Investors says

    20 July 2023

    In the form money market funds, as interest rates take off

  • Insurers and asset managers urge halt to deep-sea mining talks

    20 July 2023

    Saying poorly-understood environmental impacts of ocean extraction threaten circular economy and are risk for long-term investors

  • Climate resiliency too low on the real estate agenda, says Aviva Investors

    17 July 2023

    Though sustainable loans, nature-positive features and carbon footprint slowly gaining attention

  • Aviva Investors appoints Jill Barber as global head of distribution

    17 July 2023
  • Actuaries give cautious welcome to Whitehall's private assets push

    12 July 2023

    Chancellor of Exchequer wants institutions to buy more into unlisted companies