
  • Curious and curiouser - the quirky and weird risks, that Lloyd's syndicate CIOs are backing

    15 May 2024

    Got a satellite, a nuclear reactor, a Degas, or a body part to insure? A Lloyd's syndicate will do that - and back the risk in its GA. David Walker peers inside Lloyd's cabinet of insured curiosities

  • Core competency - Lloyd's syndicates go outsourcing, and not just for peripheral assets

    08 May 2024

    Lloyd's syndicates hire external help for the core of their general accounts, even if delegating makes more headlines when non-mainstream assets are involved

  • The other 'hiking' - Lloyd's syndicate CIOs trek further 'off the beaten path' for alternatives

    25 April 2024

    Yields on core fixed income may have improved with rate hikes of recent years, but some Lloyd's syndicate CIOs have ventured further from the well-trod path, searching for alternatives, as David Walker discovers

  • "Bonds are back" - Goldilocks appears for Lloyd's syndicates' fixed income holdings

    18 April 2024

    Not a big bad bear was in sight when syndicates published annual reports in March, but many warned of elevated geopolitical instability risks

  • Syndicate linked to hedgie David Einhorn halves losses in 2023

    11 April 2024

    Lloyd's syndicate backs fintechs backed by Einhorn's reinsurer

  • Chart of the Week - Lloyd's syndicates and illiquid investments

    05 April 2024

    Analysis reveals which syndicates like 'Level 3' assets most...and how much Apollo's syndicates have

  • Lloyd's syndicate CIOs to the rescue - how general accounts could offset underwriting losses in 2023

    03 April 2024

    A few syndicates that lost money underwriting in 2023 found salvation, in their general account performance

  • Lloyd's syndicates reveal investment fortunes - or lack thereof - in 2021

    13 April 2022

    From low rates to rising inflation, ESG to net zero, syndicates' CIOs have their hands full in 2022. David Walker reports

  • Lloyd's syndicates outline actions and plans for LIBOR's end

    06 April 2022

    Syndicates struggled to beat it, while getting rid of exposure to it, in 2021

  • The Famous Five - How CIOs trumped underwriters, again, at Lloyd's

    26 April 2021

    If you want to know when the underwriters at Lloyd's last beat its investors, cast your mind (all the way) back to 2015. The bad luck of Lloyd's underwriters is clear. The good run of its investors is largely to plan, David Walker finds.