
  • IAR EMEA 24 - Matching adjustment reform, big bang or damp squib?

    27 June 2024

    At Insurance Asset Risk's recent EMEA 2024 conference in London, panellists sat down to discuss some of the main regulatory issues facing insurers this year from reforms to Solvency UK to the ever-proliferating amount of ESG regulation

  • What can the next UK government offer insurers?

    19 June 2024

    The ABI discusses the work of the Investment Delivery Forum and what the next government should do in its first 100 days to support private sector investment into 'green and good' infrastructure

  • 'Hunt for yield' replaced with 'race for assets', Swiss Re Institute says

    14 June 2024

    Predicting 40% growth in industry investment income in key markets by 2027

  • IAR EMEA audience dissatisfied with UK Solvency reform

    28 June 2023

    But panellists point to the positives of the reform to insurers' investments, as Vincent Huck reports

  • Insurance Asset Risk EMEA 2023 conference round up

    12 June 2023

    The conference was held in London on 12 June and highlighted the investment risks and opportunities facing insurers. Vincent Huck reports

  • UK insurers welcome UK SII reform plans as huge investment opportunity

    17 November 2022

    ABI estimates a potential for £100bn to be invested in the next 10 years as a result

  • The gilts crisis roils markets

    03 October 2022

    The UK government's disastrous foray into budget setting last week has been treated with dismay and disgust by market participants. Amid plunging sterling and soaring gilt yields can insurance investors hold on? Sarfraz Thind reports

  • Us versus them: finding the balance between regulators and the industry's objectives

    19 July 2022

    Are regulators the heroes, guarantors of policyholder protection, while insurers are the villains in search of investment return? Not quite, Abbie Wood finds out.

  • Generali calls for "calm blood" and careful selection

    23 February 2022

    Ukraine tension still secondary to central bankers, Generali Asset & Wealth Management says

  • Comment - Buying (windfarms) to the sound of gunfire

    23 February 2022

    Russia shoots itself in the pipeline, and seals Europe's climate transition