
  • CNP Assurances signs the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge

    07 September 2021

    Sets five-year investment target to help protect biodiversity

  • Two more insurers weigh in on the EU CMU Action Plan

    01 October 2020

    Allianz France focused on ESG while Generali hailed political endorsement of Solvency II improvement

  • France's largest insurers select three "climate conscious" managers

    03 July 2020

    Amundi, Sycomore AM and HSBC GAM win outsourcing mandates for three ESG funds totalling €585m

  • France's largest insurers looking for climate-conscious asset managers

    19 November 2019

    Three mandates totalling €500m open for tender

  • Green bond strategies split French CIOs and CROs

    09 April 2019

    The difference in approach between insurers' risk and investment functions has been revealed at an event organised by the French institute of actuaries, in partnership with Schroders and Axa. This examined insurers' strategies to integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria. Vincent Huck reports

  • French insurers partner up for major unlisted SME funding initiative

    07 March 2019

    From Axa France to BNP Paribas Cardif and CNP Assurances, France’s largest have helped unlock €22.2bn of fund-based investments for French small caps. Their early-stage returns may be unclear. But their ambitions for the next phase of their investment is only the greater, the heavy hitters tell Vincent Huck

  • French insurers committed €1.2bn in partnership to fund unlisted SMEs

    13 February 2019

    The five insurers and an investment bank invested in 63 funds

  • French insurers invest in €425m green energy infrastructure fund

    24 August 2016

    CNP and Meridiam close fund after six months

  • Insurers seek infrastructure investments, but not at any cost

    17 June 2015

    Panel at Insurance Asset Risk conference discusses impact of Juncker plan