
  • AllianzGI supports shareholder resolution on workers' rights at Starbucks

    10 March 2023

    Asset manager to vote against the board at next AGM

  • Europe's life giants trip the lite switch firmly 'on'

    08 March 2023

    Thomas Buberl, and Oliver Bäte are men with a mission, to preach the gospel of low-capital product. But will their customers buy it? David Walker asks

  • AllianzGI will target directors of high emitting companies lacking credible net-zero targets

    22 February 2023

    Last year's voting focused on management compensation and climate transition

  • Oliver Bäte offers comfort, reassurance and hope

    21 February 2023

    With Structured Alpha 'behind' it, Allianz is applying the lessons learned to best effect, it told analysts at this month's full-year results presentation. David Walker reports

  • Allianz outlines net $850m US regulator settlements over Structured Alpha - and lessons learned

    19 February 2023

    AllianzGI and PIMCO still took net new business into alts in 2022

  • Allianz IM buffered ETFs pass $1bn in assets

    16 February 2023

    Have been popular in periods of volatility

  • NZAOA expands target setting protocol to govvies and PE

    31 January 2023

    Report authors Swiss Re's Bolli and Allianz IM's Riese discuss the key considerations of the protocol third edition. Interview by Vincent Huck

  • Having fun with private equity investments

    30 January 2023

    A small French mutual insurer tells Insurance Asset Risk how it has become one of the few insurers to make the most of the long-term equity rule in Solvency II... and how it had fun in the process. Vincent Huck reports

  • Comment - As Blackstone helps Clive Cowdery invest, watch Resolution Life's market risk

    25 January 2023

    Blackstone's existing portfolio for Bermudian Harrington Re suggests a very active approach to origination and reallocation of GA

  • Allianz France invests in AI platform

    24 January 2023

    Through InnovAllianz fund