
  • Aegon supports Follow This climate resolutions

    14 May 2019

    Dutch insurer to back climate change proposals at BP, ExxonMobil, Chevron and Equinor AGMs

  • Insurers back calls for governments to implement net-zero emission strategies without delay

    02 May 2019

    UK, Dutch and Swedish insurers urge governments to start implementing plans to be carbon neutral by 2050

  • Aegon Asset Management creates global head of ESG role

    01 May 2019

    Former European Investment Bank investment officer Bruno Maradei takes on the position effective immediately

  • Investors’ engagement results in Equinor’s climate change commitments

    25 April 2019

    Storebrand’s asset management unit part of investor group leading engagement process

  • Investor pressure forces Glencore’s hand on coal

    21 February 2019

    Mining giant commits to limit coal production in response to insurer-backed coalition

  • Aegon’s asset management unit grows earnings, but AuM shrinks

    14 February 2019

    Strong inflows into Dutch mortgage funds

  • Did you say impact?

    05 February 2019

    Every investment has an impact, so what is meant by ‘impact investing’ and how can one measure the impact of an investment. Vincent Huck reports on a new measurement framework launched by the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership

  • Updated palm oil principle a "great signal" for investors

    21 November 2018

    Insurers who lobbied for ESG integration in draft standards remain coy to comment

  • European oil & gas companies spend just 1.3% of capex on low carbon assets

    12 November 2018

    Despite investors, including some insurance household names, calling for transition to a low-carbon economy

  • Tensions flare between Exxon and its shareholders over climate disclosures

    01 November 2018

    A decade of shareholder engagement at Exxon seem to have gone down the drain as the company now faces a lawsuit for misleading investors. While insurers were quick to broadcast their role in exercising shareholder powers, they are now found coy to comment. Adam Leach reports