
  • Aegon AM looks to expand reach into US offshore market

    31 August 2023

    Through third-party distribution agreement with FDS

  • Aegon to hone focus on alternatives as rates bite into core fixed income

    18 August 2023

    US financial asset exposure being trimmed in favour of strategic assets

  • Royal London already ahead of Mansion House Compact goals

    09 August 2023

    2023 Interim results stated the insurer and pensions provider already has 10% of its portfolio invested in unlisted illiquid assets

  • Insurers's SFCRs face up to the worst of climate change

    07 August 2023

    Aegon uses Ortec Finance to model 'failed transition'

  • Actuaries give cautious welcome to Whitehall's private assets push

    12 July 2023

    Chancellor of Exchequer wants institutions to buy more into unlisted companies

  • UK government unveils reforms to prod insurers towards private assets

    11 July 2023

    Six UK insurers sign up to Chancellor of Exchequer's investment aspirations

  • Aegon's asset manager to remain Dutch-regulated

    03 July 2023

    Group is moving legal seat from Netherlands to Bermuda

  • Aegon cites weak Chinese investor market as main cause for net asset outflows in Q1 2023

    18 May 2023

    Despite strong life insurance sales growth in the country

  • Chart of the Week - Will new MA liabilities give UK CIOs fresh investment opportunities?

    12 May 2023

    Whitehall has mooted income protection and with-profits - a £6.6bn market - for MA inclusion

  • Chart of the Week - When the MA goes 'the wrong way' for Spanish lifers

    28 April 2023

    Ideally the MA, with life liabilities backed by predictable income assets, should improve users' capital coverage. Often, that's not been so in Spain.