
  • Aegon sets aside €85m to resolve asset allocation model errors

    16 February 2018

    Aegon has taken an €85m ($106m) charge in its fourth quarter results in anticipation of settling an investigation by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) into its asset management practices.

  • Aegon's US affordable housing debt fund fully subscribed

    12 January 2018

    Aegon's $100m US affordable housing debt fund, offered through its US real estate advisory business, has been fully subscribed

  • Aegon puts £160m into UK SME lending platform

    18 August 2017

    Dutch insurer signs four-year contract with Funding Circle, with an initial £160m to be invested in first 12 months

  • Aegon ploughs into illiquid investments to optimise Dutch back-book

    10 August 2017

    Offloads about €1bn of corporate bonds to free up funds

  • M&A: tipping the scales

    09 August 2017

    With a squeeze on fees and increased competition, the asset management world is realising the need for scale. Insurers have already started on the M&A trail, but there appears to be much more on the way. Sarfraz Thind reports

  • 'Bring it on': California commissioner bullish on fossil fuel divestment

    14 July 2017

    Commissioner Dave Jones was threatened with legal action from 12 Republican attorney generals who oppose his fossil fuel investments disclosure initiative. The threats appear to have spurred Jones on, however. Callum Tanner reports

  • Why Aegon, Allianz, Aviva and NN are well prepared for rising rates

    30 June 2017

    Many loans and mortgages offer resilience to interest rate volatility, and with talk of rising rates becoming more frequent – whether through optimism or anticipation – IAR unmasks the largest life insurers' allocations to the lesser-used asset classes. David Walker Reports

  • Solvency II filings reveal extent of life insurers' illiquid investments

    28 June 2017

    Insurance Risk Data, the data service offered by the publishers of IAR, examined the QRTs of Europe's largest life companies that together run €1trn of investments and found they had allocated €375.7bn to five illiquid asset classes. David Walker reports

  • Insurers are bystanders on climate change risk management

    19 June 2017

    Majority of the industry falls short on managing climate change risks in investment portfolios, but Axa and Aviva deemed leaders by AODP report

  • Sri Lanka, Kazakhstan and Mexico picked as EMD hotspots

    17 May 2017

    Aegon's UK asset management business Kames picks out EMD hotspots