
  • AXA IM Alts appoints head of funds, infrastructure, to take on ESG disclosures

    24 April 2023

    Amid rising demand for exposure to high-yield, reduced volatility assets

  • German life CIOs breath out, as the 'great ZZR unwind' begins

    19 April 2023

    In past years, German lifers dispatched CIOs to raise cash to pay into their ZZRs - like it, or not. But that reversed, and sometimes heftily, as interest rates rose in 2022. David Walker reports

  • Axa IM highlights investment opportunity in biodiversity solutions

    17 April 2023

    In particular in three sectors: agriculture, water treatment and sustainable materials

  • Axa IM Alts acquires Japanese nursing homes

    17 April 2023

    Manager's second transaction in Japanese healthcare sector

  • AXA IM Alts sells data centre platform Data4 to Brookfield Infrastructure

    11 April 2023

    Following completed growth plan for the platform

  • AXA IM puts boards on notice for failure to respond to biodiversity-related engagements

    05 April 2023

    Alongside implementation of its 'three strikes' climate laggards policy

  • French insurers renew commitments to invest €3bn in unlisted SMEs for the next 5 years

    03 April 2023

    After surpassing their €2bn target in the three years to 2022

  • Europe's life giants trip the lite switch firmly 'on'

    08 March 2023

    Thomas Buberl, and Oliver Bäte are men with a mission, to preach the gospel of low-capital product. But will their customers buy it? David Walker asks

  • Comment: CIOs enjoy strong tailwinds of goodwill in 'transition GAs', in a ride that CUOs might only dream of

    08 March 2023

    Why a CIO's life with the media can be so much touchy-feelier than a CUO's, in our era of climate change

  • AXA IM Alts targets infrastructure and debt as investors seek inflation shelter

    07 March 2023

    Sees continued demand for diversification of assets amid macroeconomic situation