
  • AXA IM Alts makes three European real estate appointments

    31 July 2023
  • AXA France and Norges Bank dispose of Paris office

    31 July 2023
  • Practising good liquidity management - for the day liquidity turns bad

    24 July 2023

    Reflecting on the aftermath of the liquidity crisis after the UK's mini budget crisis last autumn, panellists discussed what makes for good liquidity management and where the next crisis will come from. Compiled by Vincent Huck

  • Chart of the Week - SFCRs as EIOPA's answer to the 'Barbenheimer dilemma'

    21 July 2023

    SFCRs will tell you if market crashes hurt insurers' solvency more than pandemics - but not whether to watch Robert Oppenheimer or Margot Robbie...

  • AXA IM Alts invests $49m in Amazon rainforest restoration projects

    19 July 2023

    And takes minority equity stake in carbon removal start-up Mombak

  • AXA IM sees potential opportunities in EM sovereign debt

    13 July 2023

    Although credit remains the 2023 golden child, Marion Le Morhedec, global head of fixed-income, says

  • Insurers sign up to Tibi 2 initiative and focus on biodiversity aspects

    12 July 2023

    Adding three more insurance investors to existing 18

  • CIOs play the 'long game' - but even that harbours significant investment risks

    10 July 2023

    For long-term investors, as insurance CIOs like to see themselves, inflation and interest rates are short-term considerations, as Josh Adcock reports from Insurance Asset Risk's EMEA 2023 conference

  • Insurers and asset managers unconvinced by oil & gas sector climate progress

    29 June 2023

    Five years on from open letter calling for intensification of efforts

  • Green shoots appear for biodiversity investing - but is it the natural habitat for insurers?

    26 June 2023

    It seems like it's on everyone's lips, but where should investors start to think about biodiversity, when it comes to investing in positive-impact assets? Josh Adcock asks asset owners and managers where they see opportunities flourishing, and how to weed out the wrong strategies