
  • ASR investment income down 14.6% in 2020

    26 March 2021

    Revaluations in retail and office investment portfolio caused main loss

  • News round-up - 22 February 2021

    22 February 2021

    M&G; ASR; Axa IM; Barings; Berkshire Hathaway; Climate Action 100; Aviva Investors

  • Pandemic hits ASR's life and non-life results

    19 February 2021
  • Net Zero Asset Managers initiative sets sail with 30 signatories combining $9trn of assets

    14 December 2020

    Insurance affiliated managers amongst founding signatories

  • ASR launches fund focused on Dutch residential mortgages

    14 October 2020

    Aviva and ASR launching investors with €700m committed

  • Dutch firms urge government to embed sustainability in COVID-19 recovery

    23 June 2020

    Insurers part of the 259 firms signatories to business statement

  • Thirty investors support biodiversity impact measurement framework

    29 May 2020

    Insurance affiliates Axa IM, Aviva and Aegon among signatories

  • ASR expects investment woes to hit life investment portfolio hardest

    20 May 2020

    Anticipates defaults happening in its real estate portfolio

  • Achmea IM leads charge in calls for pharma co-operation

    17 April 2020

    International institutional investors ask them to aid in combat against COVID-19

  • Hybrid coupon deferrals unlikely to follow dividend scrapping, says S&P

    16 April 2020

    Ratings agency adds dividend cuts do not signify capital weaknesses