
  • CFO interview: navigating China's regulatory and growth currents

    29 April 2022

    As chief financial officer at AIA Life Insurance in China, Leo Ng is used to being the fastest-growing unit of the Australasian insurance giant. He tells David Walker of the opportunities, and challenges, in Mainland China.

  • AIA reveals Chinese investment mix as C-Ross Phase II begins

    14 March 2022

    Group boosted China sovereigns in 2021 at expense of all other debt holdings

  • Resolution Life Australasia purchases AIA's superannuation and investments

    24 February 2022

    Bringing the lifer's AuM up by AUD 8bn

  • Hong Kong IA warns insurers about virtual asset risks

    31 January 2022

    Underwriters considering virtual assets as crypto market plunges

  • Foreign-owned and larger firms best placed for early HK RBC adoption

    10 January 2022

    Regulator has invited applications to begin RBC early

  • AIA president says renewables key to helping Mainland economy thrive

    30 December 2021

    Underwriters put HK$270bn in bonds annually, "but not because we are getting a particularly good yield and certainly not a good spread"

  • Comment - Enter the dragon? Will Hong Kong's CIOs be persuaded, or compelled, to invest in China?

    28 December 2021

    Hong Kong's insurers must meet claims/promises, but are being told they should support the Mainland's economy, too

  • AIA divests from coal mining and coal-fired power businesses

    07 December 2021

    The development comes seven years ahead of target

  • President of Sun Life Asia joins AIA as Regional chief executive

    03 December 2021

    Leo Grepin will succeed Mark Saunders effective January 2022

  • Former CPIC CIO set to join Ping An

    01 December 2021

    Ben Deng expected to join in a role equivalent to the CIO position