
  • Insurers rebuff EIB support for infrastructure investments

    03 June 2015

    Credit enhancement for infrastructure projects crowding out institutional investors

  • Insurers should be nimble and flexible in fixed income

    26 May 2015

    After decades of a bond bull market and six years of central bank liquidity measures, is the fixed-income bubble bursting? Prashant Sharma examines what this would mean for insurers' portfolios, historically heavily weighted towards this asset class?

  • Yie-Hsin Hung becomes CEO of NYLIM

    22 May 2015

    Reports to new head of investments group

  • Allianz CIO prepares for post-QE volatility

    14 May 2015

    Andreas Gruber, CIO of Allianz, handles one of the biggest insurance investment portfolios in the world. Here he talks to Sarfraz Thind about the structure used to support multiple regions and assets, the attractions of illiquid assets and being ready for when the bubble bursts at the end of quantitative easing

  • Hiscox says Q1 "positive period for bonds and equities"

    13 May 2015

    Reports investment result of 0.8%

  • M&G Real Estate pays £167m for office park

    12 May 2015

    Follows deal to develop homes in Bath

  • L&G's direct investments soar

    07 May 2015

    Up 62% quarter on quarter; LGIM assets rise 17%

  • Conning hires equity products director

    07 May 2015

    Townswick will develop strategies for insurers

  • Deutsche AWM names alternatives head

    07 May 2015

    Appoints real estate strategist Kevin White

  • Asian insurers step up European real estate investments

    06 May 2015

    The safe haven status of Europe and deregulation at home are major spurs; London is a favoured target. Joe Valente explains