
  • Aegon's asset manager to remain Dutch-regulated

    03 July 2023

    Group is moving legal seat from Netherlands to Bermuda

  • Eiopa puts hybrid products under cost microscope

    13 April 2021

    Examination includes Europe's €2.9trn unit-linked market

  • Dutch authorities warn over replacing key mortgage rate benchmarks

    30 September 2019

    Switching from Libor and Eionia proving troublesome for insurers

  • Vivat sanctioned by regulator over investment policies

    23 July 2018

    Dutch watchdog examining more investment policy providers this year

  • Trade associations call for more ambitious STS securitisation framework

    06 June 2018

    Capital charges should be further reduced for non-senior tranches

  • Solvency II will deter insurers from securitised investments, says Afme

    11 June 2014

    Industry body calls for easing of ABS capital requirements