
  • Two candidates left for Scottish Widows £109bn mandate

    06 September 2018

    Lloyds Banking Group has dropped Goldman Sachs from the auction of the investment contract

  • ASI launches global equity AI fund

    22 August 2018

    Machine learning component will identify sources of potential returns

  • Standard Life Aberdeen profits take a hit in "tough market"

    07 August 2018

    Challenging market conditions led to a 12% drop in pre-tax profits for Standard Life Aberdeen

  • ASI survey highlights growing ESG integration in smart beta strategies

    31 July 2018

    Over three-quarters of surveyed asset owners are considering ESG integration although only 24% currently using a smart beta ESG strategy

  • Phoenix and Aberdeen launch fund financing strategy

    27 June 2018

    Aiming to capture private markets’ illiquidity premia

  • Phoenix Group appoints two senior SLA executives to its board

    25 June 2018

    While SLA continues to restructure board following Standard Life and Aberdeen merger

  • LGIM poaches head of Asia-Pac from SLA

    15 June 2018

    David Peng joins LGIM as head of Asia Pacific ex Japan

  • Lloyds sells stake in Standard Life Aberdeen

    08 June 2018

    Sale of £355m worth of shares puts final nail in the coffin of firms’ relationship

  • Aberdeen Standard Investments hopes to get Phoenix £7bn AuM

    30 May 2018

    Mandates 'under review' at Phoenix revealed in Aberdeen document

  • World's top insurers stalling on climate change drive

    24 May 2018

    While insurers are increasingly acute to environmental risks which might impact both sides of their balance sheet, new research has found that their investment strategies are not in line with the Paris Agreement. The research was published the same week Royal Dutch Shell held its AGM and shareholders, including some large insurers, were asked to vote on a climate resolution. Did they stand up to the test? Paul Walsh and Vincent Huck report