
  • Appointments round-up

    09 November 2018

    LGIM, M&G and ASI announce hires

  • European insurers’ outsourcing starts at home, Insurance Risk Data reveals

    02 November 2018

    But independents also win mandates, especially in UK market

  • North American insurers expect investment returns to fall short of their targets

    31 October 2018

    80% of CIOs agree that business outperformance will require taking greater investment risk, according to survey

  • Schroders takes remaining £80bn of Scottish Widows mandate

    23 October 2018

    As part of a wealth management strategic partnership agreement with Lloyds Banking Group

  • Phoenix invests £47m in infrastructure company

    05 October 2018

    Deal originated and executed by Aberdeen Standard Investments

  • Schroders to take lion's share of Scottish Widows portfolio

    03 October 2018

    But BlackRock could still win part of the mandate

  • ASI expands infrastructure investment team

    19 September 2018

    Michael Kearney joins as senior investment director

  • Allianz retains top spot in sustainability rankings

    17 September 2018

    German insurer leads the way as 16 insurers are included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index 2018.

  • ASI appoints first head of global insurance asset management

    13 September 2018

    Richard Pereira to oversee £158bn of assets managed on behalf of Phoenix Group

  • Natixis poaches ASI director to lead new business

    11 September 2018

    Dynamic Solutions will see group’s European investment operations consolidated into single entity