
  • Insurers to slug it out with fire victims in Californian bankruptcy

    15 January 2019

    One in 10 US insurers hold bonds of PG&E, sunk by Camp wildfire liabilities

  • Rendez-Vous de Septembre: Clouded optimism in uncertain times

    19 September 2018

    The annual reinsurance meeting in Monte Carlo is a good barometer to measure the sector's health. This year, amid successfully managing last year's losses from natural disasters, reinsurers' indicators seem to be flashing 'green'. But uncertainty still looms like black clouds in the distance. Vincent Huck reports

  • Insurers call for SII change to unlock investments

    11 September 2018

    In response to a European Commission consultation on proposals for a new investment programme in the EU, Insurance Europe wants a review of Solvency II rules to unlock insurers' investment potential. Vincent Huck reports

  • A.M. Best on course to open Amsterdam office

    10 September 2018

    Office to be headed by former JLT Re head of analytics for Asia

  • US insurers pulling out of hedge funds

    14 August 2018

    Although insurers tend to have relatively low exposures to hedge funds, in recent years investments in the asset class have dropped amongst US insurers. However, changes in the economic environment suggest this trend could be reversed in the coming years. Vincent Huck reports

  • Climate change increases cost of debt for developing countries

    17 July 2018

    The intensification of climate risks and the degree to which they are accurately priced by financial markets are of increasing concern to global economic stability. However, as awareness around those risks has risen over the last years, there is still a long way to go to consistently measure and monitor their costs, which can result in substantial gains or losses for institutional investors. Vincent Huck reports

  • US commercial real estate: danger in disguise?

    10 July 2018

    US life insurers are big investors in commercial real estate attracted by the yield and diversification benefits they offer. But with strong indicators of the current credit cycle nearing its end, the risks attached to the sector are growing. Is it still safe to go into those waters? By Sarfraz Thind

  • Jordanian insurers favour cash over fixed income investments

    21 June 2018

    Investment strategies generally high risk, rating agency warns

  • Emerging market debt a logical extension for insurers

    26 May 2016

    The key driver for investing in emerging markets is the search for additional yield, and the hard-currency version seems a better fit for insurers' portfolio. But beware of the sovereign risks associated to some countries. Benedicte Gravrand reports

  • Japanese insurers hunt abroad as rates turn negative

    16 February 2016

    Overseas assets, products and acquisitions are proving attractive to a Japanese industry struggling under the burden of low interest rates. B. Gravrand reports.