
  • MassMutual appoints Eric Partlan CIO to replace retiring Tim Corbett

    11 January 2023

    Corbett was famous proponent of crypto investing

  • Robeco formulates 10 black swans for 2023

    10 January 2023

    Include a benign transition from inflation, greenwashing and peace in Ukraine

  • Hildene to manage $2bn of SILAC general account

    09 January 2023

    Credit manager has acquired minority stake in annuity insurer

  • Social bond issuance halved last year, Generali Insurance AM says

    09 January 2023

    US only makes up 20% of market, but bonds still appealing for impact investors

  • M&G hires two US-based thematic equity investment portfolio managers

    09 January 2023

    To develop equity investment capabilities and to offer new investment strategies

  • CLO recoveries will be significantly lower in next recession, NAIC says

    06 January 2023

    But overall insurer exposure to CLOs remains small

  • Churchill AM closes $737m private equity-focused fund

    06 January 2023

    Attracts insurers from Europe and North America

  • MassMutual invests in Onc.AI medical technology firm

    06 January 2023

    Works to help cancer patients

  • TIAA appoints Emilia Wiener as CIO

    04 January 2023

    Replaces Nick Liolis who joined Guardian Life

  • Blackstone's BREIT gets $4bn UC investment with $1bn backstop promise

    04 January 2023

    Real estate fund has been battling investor redemptions on property worries