
  • IAR Asia 2024: Are CIOs investors or ALM professionals?

    20 June 2024

    Two chief investment officers discuss their changing responsibilities in light of new regulation at Insurance Asset Risk Asia Conference

  • SunLife HK's CIO on IFRS, rate hikes, geopolitics, and exercising patience

    17 July 2023

    Shiuan Ting van Vuuren discusses why IFRS 17 & 9 implementation have been a challenging and ongoing journey, the impact of rising rates and increased geopolitical tensions, and why she is relaxed about regulatory changes. Interview by Vincent Huck

  • HDI Global CIO faces inflation hedge conundrum

    07 June 2023

    Thorsten Wölbern, CIO of HDI Global, the business insurance company of the Talanx Group, explains why inflation is top of his mind, why rates will go down again, and discusses the 'exotic' unexplored investment shores. Interview by Vincent Huck

  • IFRS 17 and 9 - The tricky balance between local and group reporting

    31 January 2022

    Blake Sowerby, IFRS 17/9 programme manager, Asia region, at Generali, discusses with Vincent Huck the accounting standards' implementation and expected changes in insurers' investment behaviour

  • Insurers warn of accounting mismatches in implementing IFRS 17 & IFRS 9

    30 March 2021

    But the insurance sector's criticisms lie more with the issue of financial reporting than with the standards themselves, a former standard setter tells Insurance Asset Risk. Vincent Huck reports

  • IFRS 9 implementation - the sooner one starts the better

    15 April 2020

    Based on their experience with a joint insurance clients, JP Morgan Asset Management and Clearwater Analytics discuss the ins and outs of implementing the accounting standard, and why insurers should start early. Interview by Vincent Huck

  • Asia Pacific: a chief economist perspective

    09 January 2020

    Clarence Wong, chief economist and head of economic research & consulting for Swiss Re in Asia-Pacific, talks to Vincent Huck about the current trends in Asia and why insurers have not yet harnessed the investment opportunities of the Greater Bay Area or the Belt & Road Initiative.

  • Creating a regulatory and policy environment that supports long-term insurance, part II

    20 June 2019

    At Insurance Asset Risk EMEA 2019 conference UK and European insurers discuss as part of a panel the pressing regulatory issues challenging their investment. In the second part of this two-part series, they discuss the MA and transition from Libor. Compiled by David Walker

  • Creating a regulatory and policy environment that supports long-term insurance

    14 June 2019

    At Insurance Asset Risk EMEA 2019 conference UK and European insurers discuss the pressing regulatory issues challenging their investments. Compiled by David Walker

  • CECL: US insurers getting to grips with accounting standard overhaul

    09 May 2019

    Like IFRS 9, the US's current expected credit losses (CECL) accounting standard was devised to tackle expected credit losses in financial institution portfolios. The rules, however, appear harsh in relation to the insurance industry. By Sarfraz Thind