
  • CECL: US insurers getting to grips with accounting standard overhaul

    09 May 2019

    Like IFRS 9, the US's current expected credit losses (CECL) accounting standard was devised to tackle expected credit losses in financial institution portfolios. The rules, however, appear harsh in relation to the insurance industry. By Sarfraz Thind

  • Insurance Europe calls for equitable application of Ecolabel across Priips

    08 May 2019

    Industry body warns against inconsistent treatment of comparable investment products

  • Rothesay Life’s internal model cuts £411m from capital requirement

    16 April 2019

    UK annuity writer changes asset mix, bringing greater matching adjustment benefit

  • How investment regulations affect insurers’ ratings – the agency’s perspective

    04 April 2019

    Antonello Aquino, associate managing director for EMEA at Moody’s, speaks about the evolution of the regulatory framework for insurers in Europe, and considerations for their investments. Interview by Vincent Huck

  • Regulators set to make an ESG offer insurers really can’t refuse

    29 March 2019

    Speakers in Factset and Insurance Asset Risk webinar expect watchdogs to transform ESG voluntary codes into obligations

  • Falling investment returns fail to cover for Lloyd’s losses

    28 March 2019

    UK insurance market reports £1bn loss in 2018

  • IFRS 17 conference: standard could lead to asset-derisking beyond Europe

    28 February 2019

    IASB board member tells the audience

  • Ifrs 17 - accuracy over clarity

    14 February 2019

    Colin Dutkiewicz, chair of the life board at the UK Institute and Faculty of Actuaries cuts through the complexity of accounting standard Ifrs 17, examining its potential impact on insurers' investment strategies and asset allocation, as well as on their overall operations. Interview by Vincent Huck

  • Beazley's net investment income drops by 70% in 2018

    07 February 2019

    CEO describe drop as equivalent to large catastrophe loss on underwriting portfolio

  • Interest rates cloud German insurers’ upbeat outlook

    07 December 2018

    Regulation is the other only negative in optimistic survey