
  • Zurich launches unit-linked net-zero equities strategy

    09 September 2021

    Move follows $1bn general account rotation to lower-carbon index

  • Baloise issues its first Swiss Franc senior green bond

    08 September 2021

    To finance sustainable real estate refurbishments

  • Achmea invests €4m in reforestation programme

    08 September 2021

    To offset its operations' CO2 emissions

  • MAIF Vie launches renewables transition fund

    08 September 2021

    Rendement Vert aims for 4% returns a year

  • CNP Assurances signs the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge

    07 September 2021

    Sets five-year investment target to help protect biodiversity

  • LGIM launches ESG Paris Agreement-Aligned World Equity Index Fund

    07 September 2021
  • Munich Re issues second green bond

    06 September 2021

    Maturing in 2042, the volume of the issue is €1bn

  • Candriam grows assets to €150bn leveraging off clamour for sustainability

    06 September 2021

    Asset manager launched ESG education range last week

  • Swiss Re won't wait for economy to transition in its pledge to reach net-zero

    06 September 2021

    Chief economist calls for governments to match private sector's transparency

  • German insurers push for 'net-zero' element in ESAP

    02 September 2021

    EU database should hold details on 'future sustainability planning', GDV argues