
  • Chart of the Week - Does risk-taking pay off in the long term for CIOs?

    22 September 2023

    One Norwegian CIO comes up with somewhat mixed answers to this age-old investment question

  • Chart of the Week - Where Europe's marine mutual insurers weigh anchor with their GAs

    15 September 2023

    Armed with investment and risk statistics for 400 European mutual insurers, David Walker finds the world is his data-oyster...

  • Dortmunder draws on 'bank of mum and dad' for ETF programme

    13 September 2023

    German hedges FX risk of its ETFs

  • Chart of the Week - Europe's insurers reveal more strategic planning details

    08 September 2023

    It's not just breakdowns of market risk SCRs that CIOs are telling the world about...

  • Chart of the Week - Love me tender? Europe's CIOs' complex relationship with currency risk

    01 September 2023

    Diversifying GAs can expose CIOs to FX risk. Not all of them simply 'hedge it out'

  • Secret plans - CIOs reveal how market risk's SCR elements (should) develop in future

    30 August 2023

    Insurance Risk Data has unearthed strategic data about how Europe's insurers expect the six sub-modules of their market risk SCR to evolve out to 2026. David Walker investigates

  • Chart of the Week - 'Build it and they will come' - German insurers and Spezialfonds

    18 August 2023

    Since 2009 German institutions made 3.9% in their Spezialfonds - and expanded allocations by 167%

  • Chart of the Week - European insurers and US debt

    11 August 2023

    CIOs were cutting back their US debt well before Fitch cut its rating this month

  • Large ETF providers appear on risk radar of Italy's Assimoco SpA

    09 August 2023

    Social inequality also among 'emerging risks' of R+V subsidiary

  • Insurers's SFCRs face up to the worst of climate change

    07 August 2023

    Aegon uses Ortec Finance to model 'failed transition'