
  • Mid-sized French insurers take their general accounts off-piste

    28 October 2020

    A research report by Insurance Risk Data reveals how chief investment officers at smaller French insurers are hungry for more than just French govvies. David Walker reports

  • Breadth of investment outsourcing in UK revealed

    28 October 2020

    UK insurers use more than 100 different investment managers

  • Insurance Risk Data publishes insurance outsourcing report for Europe and Bermuda

    21 October 2020

    Annual report analyses outsourcing and investing by insurers in Europe including Switzerland, Bermuda and Lloyd's syndicates

  • Italian insurers shed 15% of Solvency II funds in Q1 as BTP yields spiked

    16 October 2020

    Standard formula users hit by spike, too, says asset allocation head

  • Insurers list extra services wanted in investment outsourcing

    12 October 2020

    From data enrichment to risk advisory and fiduciary management

  • Two German insurers beat 10% net investment yield in 2019

    07 October 2020

    But life insurers make just above sector's average crediting rate

  • Danish insurer reveals right to sell defaulting mortgages back to bank

    07 October 2020

    Contractual ability leaves Alm Brand Forsikring with no credit risk on deeds

  • Insurer complains of mediocre performance by outsourced manager

    30 September 2020

    SFCR suggests French mutual has since ditched equities manager

  • Investment patterns of UK smaller insurers revealed in data mine

    16 September 2020

    Research report from Insurance Risk Data reveals investing habits of Europe's mid-sized and smaller underwriters

  • Chubb's Lloyd's syndicate reveals details on private equity outsourcing to Oakhill

    28 August 2020

    Widened portfolio scope for alternatives from 20% to 30% and doubled investment