
  • German insurer asks, what if natcat reinsurance totally evaporates?

    11 August 2022

    LVM's latest SFCR reveals 'ESG scenario' run by the German composite

  • Allianz Benelux bolstered investments in 2021, to allow dividend to parent

    11 August 2022

    Insurer has launched products with Pictet, M&G, AllianzGI and PIMCO

  • German insurer buys into bullion

    09 August 2022

    Non-life firm purchased an ETF to diversify its investments in 2021

  • Chart of the week - Outsourcing revealed

    05 August 2022

    Data reveals prevalence of investment outsourcing by EEA insurers

  • Ageas life unit ceases outsourcing

    04 August 2022

    Portuguese unit revealed cessation in its solvency and financial condition report

  • Video: Hedging inflation

    02 August 2022

    A recipe by Convex head of investments Theresa Patricios

  • Video: How to allocate in times of volatility

    02 August 2022

    Aspen group CIO share some thoughts on tackling inflation and geopolitical uncertainty

  • Video: transitioning portfolio vs transitioning the economy

    02 August 2022

    Phoenix's Patel discuss the transition challenges

  • Video: Inflation, inflation and more inflation

    01 August 2022

    Macro outlook by Swiss Re's chief economist Europe

  • Generali and Unipol assessed for BTP exposure as Italy demoted

    01 August 2022

    S&P Global Ratings has Italy's outlook to stable