
  • Chart of the Week - How Nordic CIOs spent their investment risk budgets

    13 January 2023

    Insurance Risk Data examines 'what lies beneath' Scandinavian and Nordic insurers' investment success, by dissecting their market risk SCR

  • Going off-piste - how French CIOs are embracing alternatives

    10 January 2023

    As French insurers venture 'off-piste' in their general accounts, David Walker examines if the 'black runs' of alternative asset classes will be simply exciting - or could break a leg or two

  • Comment - How EIOPA helps Europe's insurers 'keep up with the Kardashians'

    28 December 2022

    EIOPA - and, separately, Insurance Risk Data - is helping practitioners to learn the latest about Europe's insurers, and their outsourcing preferences. By David Walker

  • Chart of the Week - Europe's general account since 2017

    23 December 2022

    A €6.8tn investment pot reveals its treasures...

  • How German CIOs are doing well, in 'doing good'

    21 December 2022

    Germany's CIOs are a fairly heterogeneous group, but one thing - or actually three - fairly unites them these days: E, and S, and G. And the theme stretches from Allianz, almost all the way 'down' to the smallest GA-minnow the country has to offer. David Walker reports

  • Axa stresses interest rate risk for 90 years, maybe with a French nun or two in mind...

    16 December 2022

    Want some excellent investment-risk transparency in an SFCR? Then best you speak with a French insurer...

  • Comment: - World Title fight announced - for 'EIOPA versus Climate Change'

    06 December 2022

    Distilling a fight for the planet's future, into 119 pages, clearly took some doing

  • Chart of the Week - French mutual charts property risk, and course of plane carrying Antoine Saint-Exupéry

    02 December 2022

    Designers of SFCRs create some very colourful ways to show some very dry data

  • DEVK sees equity risk SCR leap 41% on alternatives programme

    02 December 2022

    But investment diversification benefit grew, too, in 2021

  • French health underwriter grows equities by 75%

    28 November 2022

    And trumpets ABS investment protection