
  • Large insurance groups' solvency budged only mildly, if spreads worsen

    26 April 2023

    Analysis by IRD backs Moody's findings on major groups' strong ratios

  • French lifers emphasise GA asset liquidity in fight against lapse risk

    21 April 2023

    Moody's report yesterday highlighted French insurer vulnerability to lapse risk as interest rates rise

  • German life CIOs breath out, as the 'great ZZR unwind' begins

    19 April 2023

    In past years, German lifers dispatched CIOs to raise cash to pay into their ZZRs - like it, or not. But that reversed, and sometimes heftily, as interest rates rose in 2022. David Walker reports

  • GamaLife asset deal helps deplete Zurich unit's solvency coverage to 102%

    19 April 2023

    But Italian welcomes deal for facilitating focus on unit-linked and capital-lite products

  • SFCR Season - How Europe's CIOs investments paid off, or not, in 2022

    18 April 2023

    Insurance Asset Risk launches a season of features analysing how European CIOs won, and lost, money for their employers, in 2022

  • P+ Pensionskassen for Akademikere's illiquids perform in falling year

    17 April 2023

    But Dane writes down alts harshly to prevent iniquity between members payouts

  • Mapfre's Spanish unit says Ukraine conflict rendered economists' forecasts "useless"

    14 April 2023

    Outlook for 2023 "looks very confusing", it added

  • LDI turmoil "challenged clients' ability to provide additional cash" to LDI funds, L&G unit says

    13 April 2023

    Urgent LDI fund cash calls exceeded internal liquidity buffers, L&G Assurance Pensions Management says

  • Allianz Leben investment result almost halves as ZZR demand drops

    12 April 2023

    Allianz's other German units hold investment outcome steadier in 2021/2022

  • Royal London grows MA use - and capital benefit - in 2022

    11 April 2023

    Posits more assets for MA portfolio if planned reform works out