
  • Aviva Life & Pensions UK's MA-eligible assets fall in 2022

    05 May 2023

    MA asset portfolio dropped to £46.8bn, SFCR shows

  • Bolting for the door - could 'mass lapse' risk trigger 'mass bond sales' at French lifers?

    04 May 2023

    Better interest rates mean better investment options than life policies. As France's exposed lifers watch on, some count up their liquid assets, some count on customer loyalty - but will all ultimately count on CIOs, to sell off GAs? David Walker reports

  • Attractive returns with policy guarantees "hardly possible" now in Germany, AXA Leben says

    04 May 2023

    Life unit continues tilt toward investment and part-guaranteed products

  • Arca Vita uses alternatives to replace eurozone sovereigns in 2022

    03 May 2023

    Widening BTP spreads led to "management actions" decreasing bond investments

  • Pension Insurance Corporation reveals lower MA assets in 2022

    03 May 2023

    Only cash and funds increased in volume in PIC's MA

  • Aviva unit puts some MA investments through full-letter downgrade

    03 May 2023

    Only property stress-tests do more damage to 2022 solvency ratio

  • German life firm sticks with 'qualifying' infrastructure in 2022

    02 May 2023

    Alte Leipziger Leben ran class through stress-tests, too

  • How best to describe a stuff-up? SFCR writers confront Whitehall's gilts-storm

    01 May 2023

    Remember, remember the 23rd of September - when gilt yields exploded, without a mote of gunpowder in sight. David Walker reads how UK insurers revisited the scene in their SFCRs

  • Allianz UK adds to infrastructure loans and private debt for yield and GA breadth

    01 May 2023

    Investment income rose in 2022 by £16m to £64m, its SFCR shows

  • Chart of the Week - When the MA goes 'the wrong way' for Spanish lifers

    28 April 2023

    Ideally the MA, with life liabilities backed by predictable income assets, should improve users' capital coverage. Often, that's not been so in Spain.