
  • US insurers cut certain ABS holdings

    20 May 2014

    NAIC concerned over subprime auto and private student loan deals

  • Smart beta strategies attract insurers

    20 May 2014

    Prompting a move away from market cap investment

  • US insurers increase corporate and municipal debt holdings

    09 May 2014

    Reduce exposure to US Treasuries, cash and short-term investments

  • With changing market dynamics, insurers can profit in fixed income

    07 May 2014

    They buy in bulk, their size gives them clout with large fixed-income asset managers and their buy-and-hold outlook insulates them from market swings, as Douglas Niemann explains

  • US energy investor's fund targets VA insurers

    07 May 2014

    Tortoise fund promises diversification and attractive returns

  • Generali chooses B&H proxy generator

    06 May 2014

    CRO endorses short setup time and accurate validation models

  • JP Morgan to manage Resolution Life's funds

    24 April 2014

    Will help manage investment strategy and $12bn fixed income portfolio

  • Annuity changes put corporate bonds under pressure

    23 April 2014

    Revisions to the UK's legislation around annuities is causing insurers to rethink investment strategies. Hardeep Dhillon examines the impact on sterling capital markets and demand for assets

  • Allianz plans more equity and infrastructure investments

    15 April 2014

    Another €5bn to be committed to equities

  • Investec's Impala hedging solution attracts insurers

    31 March 2014

    Interest growing for inflation and interest rate risk protection