
  • Allied World to invest $225m in real estate

    08 October 2014

    First foray into sector; takes stake in private equity firm

  • Standard Life Investments to build infrastructure debt team

    07 October 2014

    Hires Jeremy Allcock to head it

  • Chinese insurer buys Waldorf Astoria New York

    07 October 2014

    And Manulife plans tower project in Montreal

  • Insurers plan bigger allocations to real estate and infrastructure

    06 October 2014

    These are the two leading asset classes favoured by insurers as a BlackRock survey shows one in three firms plans to increase their risk appetite over the next three years

  • European life insurers help push down US long-end yields

    06 October 2014

    J P Morgan Asset Management cites knock-on effect

  • Skimpy yields drive insurers up the risk spectrum

    29 September 2014

    BlackRock study confirms CIOs' appetite for real estate debt and infrastructure assets

  • Completion mandates are AllianceBernstein's forte

    26 September 2014

    The approach enables insurers to access asset classes where they don't have the resources to research and manage them in-house, the firm's insurance CIO Erik Vynckier explains to Hardeep Dhillon

  • The dangers of overlooking inflation risk

    24 September 2014

    Pimco's Eugene Dimitriou and Berdibek Ahmedov outline the difficulties in quantifying inflation risk

  • Just Retirement increases investment income by £207.4m

    19 September 2014

    Boosts AuM by £1.5bn

  • QE helped move insurers from gilts to corporate bonds

    15 September 2014

    Switch similar across different types of insurer, notes BofE paper