
  • Latest ABS capital charge reduction still not enough to encourage insurer investment

    17 September 2014

    Market participants say the EC's new Solvency II proposals do not address the key issues

  • Scottish 'Yes' vote could make FX hedges toxic

    16 September 2014

    Review of collateral arrangements and liquidity buffers needed

  • EU associations set template for Solvency II data exchange

    16 September 2014

    IMA, BVI and Club Ampere prepare table to assist reporting

  • Optimising Solvency II capital through investment strategy

    12 September 2014

    Insurers should consider their overall investment strategy holistically to minimise SCR capital charges

  • KLP Kapitalforvaltning extends SimCorp solution to front office

    11 September 2014

    To automate investment process, manage risk and costs

  • Mounting data concerns

    09 September 2014

    Solution providers highlight classification codes and look-through as problem areas in Solvency II reporting.

  • New SII data service for insurers

    09 September 2014

    Thomson Reuters' solution helps disclosure obligations

  • Credit the improvement in Aegon UK's investments

    03 September 2014

    Aegon UK looks to improve the credit strength of its assets.

  • Swiss Life buys Paris office building

    02 September 2014

    Part of real estate push announced last month

  • No special ratings model needed for hedge fund reinsurers

    28 August 2014

    Traditional rating methodology is adequate, says AM Best