
  • L&G reduced asset risk in run up to referendum

    28 June 2016

    Solvency ratio falls to 156% from 169% at end-2015

  • Brexit leaves insurers facing an uncertain investment future

    27 June 2016

    Most UK insurers hedged against risks, which should reduce impact

  • FSOC warns of continued low rate impact on insurer portfolios

    27 June 2016

    Net yield on US insurance assets declining since 2009

  • Safe haven bond markets tighten on Brexit vote as peripherals widen

    24 June 2016

    German 10-year bund at new record low

  • Brexit will see rates cut to zero but recession inevitable, says Nomura

    24 June 2016

    Could see negative yields in UK next year

  • Brexit fuels uncertainty on UK illiquid asset investment

    21 June 2016

    Withdrawal of EIB guarantee could harm UK investment prospects

  • Massive increase in currency hedging cost as Brexit vote looms

    20 June 2016

    Insurers face currency hedging hike with UK volatility near financial crisis highs

  • Brexit referendum causing economic uncertainty "not seen for 20 years," says Swiss Re's Frey

    17 June 2016

    Likely to have a negative impact on investments for a considerable period

  • European insurers eye sticky private credit market

    15 June 2016

    European Insurers have been building up their investment in the private credit market these past three years. Although there is room for growth in this asset class, there are currently some serious caveats which need to be borne in mind. Sarfraz Thind reports

  • SS&C launches investment management software for insurers

    13 June 2016

    Global Gateway to help insurers with analytics and reporting tasks