
  • BoE presses on with government bond purchases

    10 August 2016

    Will make up for shortfall from botched auction later in the year

  • Cattolica Assicurazioni invests in Italian real estate fund

    08 August 2016

    Savills IM's Mercury Fund "meets Italian insurer's investment objectives"

  • Pimco outflows tail off

    05 August 2016

    Allianz anticipates end of the money drain in its US investment arm

  • Energy assets dent Liberty Mutual's investment income

    05 August 2016

    Pre-tax losses of $220m limit the firm's quarterly profits to only $15m

  • BoE rate cut and QE extension: the industry reacts

    04 August 2016

    Aviva's CEO questions rate cut, analysts expect further QE in 2016

  • BoE commits to purchase £10bn of corporate bonds

    04 August 2016

    Expansion of quantitative easing is initial response to Brexit vote

  • Brexit hits Hannover Re's equity portfolio

    04 August 2016

    Investment performance generally unhurt with 2.9% ROI

  • Bank of England to put the squeeze on UK insurers

    03 August 2016

    Monetary easing may include fresh round of asset purchases. Hugo Coelho reports

  • Fairfax repositions investments to prepare for deflation

    29 July 2016

    Canadian insurance group ditches US muni bonds for long-dated treasuries

  • Generali goes slower on realising gains

    29 July 2016

    Insurer keen to preserve profitability in falling interest rate environment