
  • Commission is 'tabooing' sovereign risk, says MEP

    22 September 2016

    Sven Giegold fears treatment of government bonds will be excluded from the 2018 review

  • QBE slides down the credit curve

    22 September 2016

    CIO Gary Brader wants 10% exposure to BBB-rated bonds

  • Standard Life Investments plans to reopen £2.9bn property fund

    22 September 2016

    Trading suspension post-Brexit to be lifted in the fourth quarter

  • Getting the measure of credit downgrade risk

    21 September 2016

    Investors are questioning the impact of credit downgrades on insurers' Solvency II balance sheets. Hugo Coelho investigates how firms are gauging this risk and why they resist putting a figure on it.

  • Mexican bonds shine bright among emerging market debt

    20 September 2016

    Strong likelihood of currency appreciation offers insurers attractive returns

  • Talanx commits to screening investments for ESG issues

    15 September 2016

    Targets €2bn allocation to infrastructure assets by 2017

  • The opportunities and obstacles of multi-asset portfolios

    14 September 2016

    Irrational pessimism and excessive caution is inhibiting insurance investors, while regulatory ignorance is blocking an escape from low yields through multi-asset portfolios, says Hani Redha.

  • Bonds losing appeal over cash

    14 September 2016

    M&G manager says traditional advantages of government bonds have disappeared

  • Zweimueller insists on risk charging sovereign bonds

    09 September 2016

    But recognises risk of regulatory arbitrage

  • Hedge fund reinsurers feel the heat

    07 September 2016

    Poor investment performance and tight reinsurance markets have squeezed returns for hedge fund reinsurers. With some already exiting the market, what for the future? Sarfraz Thind reports.