
  • Tailored and transparent - absolute return funds under Solvency II

    14 November 2016

    If insurers can overcome historical bias and some regulatory stumbling blocks, absolute return funds could offer uncorrelated and attractive returns, with little cost under Solvency II, according to Melanie Rijkenberg

  • Volatility adjustment change encourages Allianz to buy corporate bonds

    11 November 2016

    Inclusion of unit-linked assets in reference portfolio reduces sovereign discounting

  • Trump win could spark volatility in US treasuries

    09 November 2016

    US now less likely to normalise interest rates, argues Hermes

  • Think outside the box with private credit

    07 November 2016

    The time has come for insurance companies to move from window-shoppers to genuine private credit investors and grab some rare yield pick-up, say AB's Arnaud Mounier and Roger Cozzi

  • Equity losses persist to dent Fairfax results

    04 November 2016

    Defensive equity hedging costing the insurer as it prepares for deflationary economy

  • Unsticking the liquidity jam

    02 November 2016

    Levels of fixed income issuance are at the highest level in nearly a decade yet concerns over bond liquidity have never been greater. The issue is squeezing flexibility in the secondary markets and forcing a deep review of the investment process. Sarfraz Thind reports.

  • Insurers' direct lending fell as Solvency II approached

    28 October 2016

    ECB also highlights increase in fund-based investing

  • "Futile" UK interest rate cut expected in December

    26 October 2016

    Sterling's fall will have deflationary effect, predicts Fathom Consulting

  • Insurers predict secondary market for matching adjustment assets

    20 October 2016

    But some fear regulators will be wary of systemic risks

  • Second Japanese firm targets unhedged foreign bonds

    13 October 2016

    Fukoku Mutual Life joins Mitsui in buying foreign bonds without currency hedging