
  • AGMs increasingly contentious arena, Axa IM says

    14 August 2023

    Divide between US and Europe on ESG resolutions, societal issues and regulatory pressures increasingly large part of considerations in 2023

  • Swiss Re Institute foresees bumpy ride for risky assets no matter the weather

    09 August 2023

    Saying corporates face headwinds in the case of slowed disinflation and valuation hits in downturn

  • Royal London already ahead of Mansion House Compact goals

    09 August 2023

    2023 Interim results stated the insurer and pensions provider already has 10% of its portfolio invested in unlisted illiquid assets

  • Taiwanese insurers in the solvency and accountancy clamp

    03 August 2023

    Facing high capital pressure as a result, according to Fitch

  • Achmea acknowledges inflation "cratered" bond markets in 2022

    02 August 2023

    Equities and fixed income pain was felt across Dutch group

  • NAIC's 'Solvency II' equity charge plans slammed by think tank

    01 August 2023

    Competitive Enterprise Institute says NAIC is positioning the US to follow "disastrous" Solvency II regime

  • 'Discretion is the better part of valor,' at GIAM

    31 July 2023

    Generali Insurance Asset Management CEO Bruno Servant and members of his team discuss the current market environment, and why caution is in order. Interview by Vincent Huck

  • Chart of the Week - Breakdown of market risk SCR of AEMA group subsidiaries, 2022 (%)

    28 July 2023

    A 'group market risk SCR' can mask very divergent risk-taking at subsidiaries

  • Democrats take aim at insurers with fossil fuel disclosure bill

    27 July 2023

    Polluter Portfolio Disclosure Act introduced after insurers withdraw insurance coverage from California due to catastrophe exposure

  • Better ALM helping APAC insurers navigate investment risk

    27 July 2023

    Frank Yuen, vice president for Asia financial institutions at Moody's, discusses the key risks faced by insurers in the APAC region. Interview by Vincent Huck