
  • Italian insurers may be allowed to lend to companies

    13 June 2014

    Draft bill in preparation

  • Balbinot to extend tenure at Insurance Europe

    11 June 2014

    Generali's group CIO remains as president

  • Solvency II will deter insurers from securitised investments, says Afme

    11 June 2014

    Industry body calls for easing of ABS capital requirements

  • India mutual funds seek approval to manage insurance assets

    09 June 2014

    Amfi seeks outsourcing of $17bn in industry funds

  • US insurers increase exposure to CLOs

    05 June 2014

    Diversification prompted by attractive yields and Volcker rule

  • Rule changes may shrink German insurers' role in private equity

    05 June 2014

    Proposals could narrow range of PE and VC funds eligible for insurers' investment, says law firm

  • Germany to reduce guaranteed rate for life insurance

    28 May 2014

    Response to low yields on insurers investments

  • Carney warns of stricter regulation for UK insurers

    22 May 2014

    BoE will be vigilant on risks of new business and non-traditional investment

  • Annuity changes put corporate bonds under pressure

    23 April 2014

    Revisions to the UK's legislation around annuities is causing insurers to rethink investment strategies. Hardeep Dhillon examines the impact on sterling capital markets and demand for assets

  • Morningstar and UBS Delta to offer Solvency II capital calculations

    22 April 2014

    Market risk SCR figures will provide insights on asset allocation