
  • Fed rules pose liquidity challenge for AIG and Pru

    08 June 2016

    Financial sector securities may be excluded from "highly liquid" category

  • Germany's Solvency II hiccups create opportunities for global fund managers

    06 June 2016

    The country stutters through a lack of clarity on how to report data, says Silverfinch

  • Brexit and investment challenges will dominate IAR conference

    06 June 2016

    Only a week to go to the major annual insurance asset event

  • As Chinese insurers make riskier bets, regulator prepares to inspect

    02 June 2016

    Tension is building up in China's insurance industry as their investments are to be spot-checked

  • "Solvency II is the missing piece in the securitisation package"

    01 June 2016

    Paul Tang, rapporteur for the regulation on securitisations, urges the European Commission to ease the charges for insurers investing in simple, transparent and standardised (STS) securitisations, and rules out the introduction of compulsory third-party certification for such products demanded by the industry. He speaks to Hugo Coelho

  • Insurers' battle for EU securitisation certification looks lost

    27 May 2016

    Parliament's rapporteur rejects call for compulsory third-party certification

  • Standard Life Investments wins insurer mandates

    23 May 2016

    Commitments from two mainland European insurers in year to date

  • Separate infra asset class risks "organisational arbitrage"

    19 May 2016

    Insurance Europe has strong concerns about Eiopa's calibration of capital requirements for infra corporates

  • ABI calls for a single Solvency II infra investment class

    18 May 2016

    Trade body wants corporates included

  • Chinese insurance regulator to inspect Anbang - source

    11 May 2016

    CIRC is getting firmer grip on insurers' overseas deals