
  • Pimco sees unprecedented potential in real estate debt

    26 June 2023

    As $2.4trn of reals estate loans mature over the next few years

  • Fidelity calls on governments to push ahead with ESG regulation

    26 June 2023

    Analyst survey sees companies falling behind on net zero targets and overstating ESG credentials

  • LGIM launches "scientific" ETF with Gerd Kommer Invest

    23 June 2023

    Based on the "world portfolio concept", investing across developed and emerging markets

  • AXA IM launches UN SDG-aligned equity fund

    21 June 2023

    With Smart Pension as first institutional investor

  • Amundi launches climate ETF

    21 June 2023

    With initial €500m investment from Ilmarinen

  • AXA IM Alts adds €125m to logistics portfolio with Oslo purchase

    21 June 2023

    Bringing asset manager total European direct equity logistics AuM to €5bn

  • Mapfre launches biomethane fund, aiming to raise €100m

    19 June 2023

    And build 25 plants over five years

  • Eurovita revealed as prolific outsourcer with over 150 managers onboard

    19 June 2023

    IVASS suspended redemptions of Italian's policies in Q1

  • LGIM doubles list of companies potentially subject to stewardship sanctions

    16 June 2023

    As it adds biodiversity and climate lobbying to list of company sustainability expectations

  • Existing CRE opportunities for those who know where to shop

    08 June 2023

    Nuanced outlook for European CRE, La Francaise Group says