
  • Allianz anchors Chinese property fund with $175m investment

    15 October 2018

    Insurers property arm to take 35% stake in KaiLong Greater China fund II

  • UK government announces second sale of student loan book

    12 October 2018

    First sale was completed in December 2017 and raised £1.7bn

  • BlackRock to manage £30bn of Scottish Widows portfolio

    12 October 2018

    Lloyds to announce plans for the remaining £80bn soon

  • Axa and Beazley agree London skyscraper tenancy

    10 October 2018

    Insurer will take 50,000 sq metres of office space in 62-storey building that will be completed late next year

  • Axa IMRA acquires land for Melbourne office building development

    09 October 2018

    Property pre-let to Australian software group for 10 years

  • UK investors buy up corporate bonds as they shun UK and Euro equities

    08 October 2018

    Additional £12m invested in corporate bonds, but Brexit worry looms large as equities experience outflows

  • L&G enters £360m joint venture with Bruntwood

    08 October 2018

    Bruntwood SciTech aiming to grow square footage from 1.3m to 6.2m over ten years

  • UBS Asset Management infra debt fund receives €850m

    05 October 2018

    Mix of 40 insurance companies and pension funds from Europe and Asia committed to the fund

  • Phoenix invests £47m in infrastructure company

    05 October 2018

    Deal originated and executed by Aberdeen Standard Investments

  • Folksam invests SEK 1bn in Stockholm development bond

    05 October 2018

    Debt financing will help Swedish capital prepare for population growth and decarbonise transportation