
  • Is it really a small world after all? Protectionism strikes back

    21 March 2019

    Most insurers’ chief investment officers and asset managers have grown up investing during the long trend of beneficial globalisation. The trend was their friend. But as evidence of its unravelling builds, they are asking if the elastic is just stretching or about to snap back. Vincent Huck went in search of answers

  • EU and UK supervisors agree to share information in case of no-deal Brexit

    05 March 2019

    Authorities sign two MoUs

  • US and UK strike post Brexit derivatives deal

    25 February 2019

    Three-part agreement aims to reassure market regardless of soft or hard Brexit

  • Royal London transfers £1bn to Dublin subsidiary over Brexit fears

    06 February 2019

    Asset management arm of insurer chooses Republic of Ireland as safe haven for European policyholders’ assets

  • Eiopa to step up work on sustainability

    06 February 2019

    Regulator announces its work programme for the next two years

  • ESMA and Bank of England agree deal in event of no-deal Brexit

    04 February 2019

    UKs central bank to give EU regulator ‘immediate access to info on central counterparties and central securities depositary

  • UK life insurers to disclose engagement policy under new rules

    30 January 2019

    FCA launches consultation to improve shareholder engagement

  • Wells Fargo Asset Management sets up shop in Paris and Frankfurt

    03 January 2019

    It also expands Luxembourg licence to counter ‘prevailing uncertainty’ around Brexit

  • QBE Insurance moves assets to Brussels in post-Brexit plan

    02 January 2019

    Australian insurer moves more than $1bn of assets to Belgian subsidiary QBE Europe

  • Pessimists outnumber optimists in Schroders survey

    30 November 2018

    Four out of ten insurers expect yearly investment returns of less than 5% in next five years