
  • Aviva Asia CIO jumps ship to Invesco

    11 November 2019

    Jaijit Kumar appointed head of Asia insurance solutions, as Invesco identifies Asia as the biggest opportunity in insurance investment services

  • Allianz invests $1bn in China’s Taiking Life

    07 November 2019

    Goldman Sachs sells 4% stake in the fifth-largest Chinese life underwriter

  • Axa IMRA acquires Japanese residential tower

    04 November 2019

    Acquisition is third in Nagoya city and 11th in Japan

  • AMP Capital sets ambitious ESG targets in decade-long programme

    04 November 2019

    Manager to create conservation project as large as its property portfolio

  • Chinese life insurers’ investments between a rock and a hard place

    01 November 2019

    Economic slowdown makes riskier assets attractive but new regulatory constraints prevent insurers from taking excessive risks

  • Ping An’s asset manager to launch green bond fund

    09 October 2019

    Fund will give exposure to Chinese market

  • Ex-Schroders Japan head joins Aberdeen Standard Investments

    20 September 2019

    Ken Yajima replaces Neil Slater who moves to global role

  • Longer-term products push Chinese life firms into more property, alternatives

    16 September 2019

    Fitch expects Hong Kong-listed companies to want more strategic equities, too

  • Axa IMRA invests in two Australian hospitals

    04 September 2019

    Investment made as part of a joint venture with Grosvenor Group and Centuria Heathley

  • Mandate from world’s largest pension fund helps LGIM grow international assets by 50%

    07 August 2019

    International asset growth outpaces local asset expansion at Legal & General affiliate