
  • New China Life sees opportunity in turbulent stock markets

    26 March 2020

    Foreign equities and domestic property could be on insurer's purchasing agenda

  • Insurers advised to stay put with EM holdings amid COVID-19 chaos

    25 March 2020

    With lower ratings than their developed market counterparts and potential economic dependencies to oil, emerging markets are on the frontline of the COVID-19 crisis. It is raising questions for insurers' allocation to the asset class. Vincent Huck reports

  • Pacific Asset Management chalks up 44% growth in third-party investments

    24 March 2020

    Affiliate helped parent rotate into bond and equities funds in 2019

  • Fitch Ratings weighs in on COVID-19 impact on APAC and Europe

    18 March 2020

    Drops rating outlook for APAC Life insurance to negative and identifies Europe's reinsurers' risks

  • Dai-ichi Life issues ¥1.1bn sustainability linked loan

    18 March 2020

    Interest on loan reduced or exempted if client beats target score

  • Japan regulator reveals insurers' JPY 32trn Libor challenge

    16 March 2020

    All but JPY 6trn of underwriters' asset and investment exposure runs through 2021

  • Coronavirus to heighten investment risk in South Korea insurers

    16 March 2020

    Fitch warns of danger as Moody's acts on Hanwha Life

  • Ping An's overseas affiliate joins Climate Bonds partners programme

    06 March 2020

    As parent company reports RMB 903.2bn in social investments and RMB 51.3bn in green investments

  • Shareholders urge QBE to stop playing with fire

    05 March 2020

    Resolution asking for business to be aligned with a 1.5°C scenario will be voted on at next AGM

  • "Aggressive" Korean insurers and pension funds look overseas for returns

    19 February 2020

    Natixis report highlights changes in asset allocation