
  • Korean insurers to be impacted by ESG disclosure requirements

    26 January 2021

    Companies with over KRW 2trn ($1.8bn) in assets to disclose ESG reports by 2025

  • Asian insurers can get ahead of the ESG curve to generate alpha

    26 January 2021

    Audience of Insurance Asset Risk / Wellington Management webinar heard

  • Allianz Real Estate acquires 50% stake in Singapore office building for SGD 634m

    21 January 2021

    Asia-Pacific region offers balance between developed and growth economies, asset manager says

  • Free webinar: ESG considerations for insurers investing in Asia

    20 January 2021

    Register now for webinar on 26 January

  • Derivatives use gains interest among Asian insurers

    13 January 2021

    Insurance Risk & Capital panel reveals where, and why, Asia's underwriters are taking up derivatives

  • Asia - how to keep calm in a storm

    13 January 2021

    Asian insurers were the first to suffer from COVID-19, including in their general account investments, but industry practitioners and analysts see a robust industry navigating seemingly endless low rates. David Walker reports

  • Asian insurers to reap benefits of local fixed income market liberalisation

    11 January 2021

    Cambodia govvie issuance rule is fillip for local bond market investment

  • Chinese insurers to add nearly $50bn to shares in 2021, says FunDe Sino Life

    06 January 2021

    Loosening of allocation limits will boost market in 2021

  • Free webinar: CIOs in the hot seat to manage insurance assets in Asia

    05 January 2021

    Register now for this webinar taking place on 12 January

  • Dai-ichi Life invests JPY 100m in heart medicine developer

    05 January 2021

    Aging population means more people living with chronic heart diseases