
  • APAC Weekly - How Japan's life insurers reach out for private markets investments

    20 August 2024

    Project finance, property and large-cap loans are among areas cited by Moody's as being of interest to CIOs

  • Taiju Life backs Dutch housing with general account

    20 August 2024

    Lifer follows in footsteps of Mitsui Life, in social housing bond purchase

  • Manulife buys up JPY 23bn of multi-family residences in Japan

    20 August 2024

    Properties are chiefly in Tokyo and Osaka

  • China Life Investment to buy into VC funds after strategic tie-up

    16 August 2024

    CLI and Shenzhen Capital have signed a deal on investment collaboration

  • Aviva Investors sells UK wind farms for £350m

    15 August 2024

    To CK Infrastructure Holdings, part of Hong Kong tycoon Li Ka-shing's business empire

  • MS&AD, Sompo and Tokio Marine untangle JPY 317bn of strategic equities in June quarter

    15 August 2024

    Solvency levels of groups rose despite the sell-downs

  • Oliver Wyman appoints Asia-Pacific head of insurance and asset management

    14 August 2024

    Paul Ricard will be based in Oliver Wyman's Singapore office

  • Japan Post Insurance nudges up alternatives allocation in June quarter

    14 August 2024

    But bonds still dominate its JPY 113.3trn general account

  • APAC Weekly - European M&A sits high on APAC insurers' agendas (and, seemingly, vice versa, too)

    13 August 2024

    But Allianz's Singapore deal shows 'two can play that game'

  • Japan P&I Club boosts investment target as equities and bonds hit previous goal

    13 August 2024

    Cites prospect of higher local interest rates for change