
  • Singlife and AllianzGI commence strategic partnership with global income fund

    25 March 2024

    Fund aims for distribution yield of 7.85% from four classes

  • Nippon Life sets up JPY 500bn impact loan facility

    25 March 2024

    Programme will focus on health outcomes, Japanese lifer says

  • Chart of the Week: Japan's affiliates welcome arrival of novel concept - inflation

    22 March 2024

    Insurers' asset managers were expecting the BOJ's rates policy to change, as prices keep rising, sustainably

  • Tokio Marine invests proceeds from new $100m cat bond into World Bank's sustainable bond

    22 March 2024

    TMNF chose this option rather than putting proceeds into cash fund, CEO says

  • Fitch outlook on Chinese state-owned insurer CUPIC turns negative

    21 March 2024

    Ratings agency cites high risky assets exposure among reasons

  • Comment - Do American cicadas feel joy? Why Japanese lifers and the BoJ may have the answer

    20 March 2024

    CIOs may feel the rare rate hike in Tokyo yesterday was a few years too late to help

  • Pru says group's experience of 'lower for longer' sets it apart in China

    20 March 2024

    Prudential announced 2023 results today

  • The world is a Japanese oyster at Prudential Financial international insurance

    20 March 2024

    Sara Bonesteel, chief investment officer for international insurance at the US headquartered insurers, discusses the investment set up and outlook for the year ahead

  • Japanese insurer asset managers proved right as BoJ ditches negative rates stance

    19 March 2024

    Broad expectations had tipped negative rates stance being eased this week

  • Nippon Life invests again in prime Tokyo property

    19 March 2024

    Lifer's fourth investment in desirable part of capital